Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Got my new licensce class 2B on 25/09/06

and my new bike on 07/10/06

than broke my finger on 29/10/06 when i when to play off road

Pic of my finger when i broke it and went to NUH on the night of 30/11/06 only...

After many Xray and toking to the doc time for mi to go for a ops on my ring finger. which they(the doc) say that there is a crack in my finger and need to do the ops so that my finger will be able to move agian. and here is the pic of the ops no blood can be seen here.
be4 i go for ops look at my jap clothing (blue in colour)(time 1445hrs)
last look at my finger b4 the real deal come (time check 1515hrs)
(time 1520hrs time to go for the ops)
In the ops room(damm cold in the room sia) lot of pple coming to mi asking for my IC no. and Name dun know y? than later doc come to me telling me to relax and give me 2 jab on both hand than some one put thing on my LH arm and i force my self to sleep as i was too afraid to see wat the DOC going to do to my hand then a green cloth cover my face and the ops begin which i think as i still can feel wat is going on to my finger and 1hrs pass the thing is done doc tell mi he only put in 2 screw in only dun know real a not wait til friday then we will see..
the finish ops on my finger damm in pain now as i type that ALL FOR THE DAY.


Ngage said...

Well, know your bike and urself b4 u try any off road stunts next time.

Anonymous said...

hahah is not i dun know my bike is the bike dun know me hehhe